Monday, October 10, 2005

Another blog?

At the moment I have registered on Blogger just to comment on friends' blogs. In the mean time, my usual journal, such as it is, is over at Webbledegook.



paulhd said...

Hey, if this is so you could comment on my blog I'm honoured! Ta!
thanks that link too, I've never seen the blog but am familiar with a couple of the artists - Hope Larson being the partner of Brian (Scott Pilgrim) Lee O'Malley who I've raved about several times.

Edna's Place said...

Thanks Garen! I have you linked now too...

Diana Kennedy said...

Ha! You have your own blog - I will link to you as well! Maybe we will see your blog alive with your thoughts and comments. I will watch it!

Andrew Glazebrook said...

You can never have enough blog's !!